Suitable candidates for a pubic lift
Sagging of the pubic area, the mons pubis, is a very common problem in mature women. If you are unhappy about your pubic area, you might be a good candidate for a pubic lift.
Has your pubic area become saggy? Are you self-conscious about fat in your pubic area? Cosmetic surgery on genitalia has become more common. Surgical removal of the fatty tissue of the pubic area is a highly demanded treatment to give your lower stomach a beautiful silhouette once again. The procedure is especially popular with women but a pubic lift is also suitable for men.
Sorry, this treatment is only available in our Belgian clinic. Please send an email if your would like to receive more information.
Email UsSagging of the pubic area, the mons pubis, is a very common problem in mature women. If you are unhappy about your pubic area, you might be a good candidate for a pubic lift.
Drooping or ptosis of the pubic area is due to tissue weakness in the pelvic area. This condition is common in patients who have lost a lot of weight, after childbirth or as a result of aging. Drooping pelvic tissue can be corrected by an incision in the excess skin above the pubic area.
The excess skin is removed. The skin around the pubic area is tightened.
The incision is closed using extremely fine stitches. This procedure is often combined with an abdominoplasty to improve the contour of the stomach.
A pubic lift can be combined with other procedures for the body or face. For example, a pubic lift can be combined with an eyelid correction en teeth whitening.
The advantages of these combined surgical procedures are obvious. Only one anaesthetic is required and the total recovery period is much shorter: it is of course also much cheaper.
After a pubic lift, the pubic area will be flatter and will increase the patient’s confidence. If the patient maintains a healthy, stable weight after the procedure, the results will be permanent.
During your consultation, you will meet the surgeon who will perform your surgery. The consultation will start with you expressing your desired result.
Your surgeon will then perform a medical examination to assess whether you are a suitable candidate.
During your consultation you can expect:
Depending on the type of treatment, your surgery will be performed under intravenous sleep sedation, local or general anaesthesia. More information about all types of anesthesia can be found on this page.
Your anaesthetist will insert a needle into your arm through which the medication will be injected. It takes about 10 seconds to take effect.
After surgery, incisions are closed with dissoluble sutures and necessary plasters and bandages are applied. When general anaesthesia or intravenous sleep sedation is applied, the anaesthetist will start the wake up process and you will be transferred to the recovery area where you will be closely monitored.
After surgery, you will be taken to the recovery area where you will be closely monitored by our medical staff. If the surgery took place under general anaesthesia or intravenous sleep sedation, your bodily functions will routinely be monitored whilst you start to awake.
Once you are fully conscious, you will be taken to your room where you can continue resting until you feel fit to go home.
Some surgeries require patients to stay overnight.
For optimal healing and aesthetic outcome, it is important to strictly follow your surgeon’s post-operative guidelines. These guidelines may vary from patient to patient.
All stitches are dissoluble so you don't need to visit your family doctor or a nurse to remove them. Depending on the type of surgery you might be expected to return for a follow-up consultation. You will be informed accordingly by our team members.
We are there to support you day and night. Our doctors and staff will advise and assist you until you are fully recovered.
Our team of aesthetic surgeons are amongst the most experienced and qualified in their field. They will make sure that you are well-informed, offered honest advice, assured, comfortable and safe during every stage of your procedure.
Offering quality care before, during and after treatment is one of the pillars of the Wellness Kliniek. We are ISO 9001 certified. Our medical and surgical procedures, as well as our facilities, have been universally recognized.
We make sure we put safety, expertise and patient satisfaction at the core of what we do. We consider it to be extremely important for you to be able to balance the risks and the expected results as well as possible. This is why you are always entitled to free preoperative consultations.