Most patients have hardly any pain after liposculpture. The special anaesthetic lasts about a day, then the tissue and muscles may feel somewhat stiff or tight. When you are at home you can take some paracetamol if necessary. You should take into account that a reddish serum can leak from the wounds for the first few days. At home you may need to use a mattress cover the first night.
Despite the fact that some people don't take any time off work after having liposculpture, you can take a few days off to rest. It is important though to move around as normal as possible.
After 4-8 days you can resume your normal activities. After 10 days you can start to play sports, swim and cycle again. 4 weeks later you are fully recovered and can also carry out heavy physical work.
Small inconveniences, such as local sensory disorders or small subcutaneous lesions may occur. They usually disappear within a few months. Post-operative massage and lymphatic drainage are sometimes prescribed.
Make sure to discuss all your questions and concerns with your surgeon.